Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Long time no see

It has been way tooo long since my last post. It has been a very busy summer and now fall is on it's way!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, the cool nights, falling leaves, pumpkins and of course apple cider and hot chocolate in the evenings. Hope that everyone has had a wonderful summer, and getting into the swing of back to school.

So welcome Fall


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Natural Garbage Disposal Cleaning

       I don't like using a lot of harsh cleaners so when it came to figuring out a way to clean my garbage disposal naturallyI did some out of the box thinking. Most mornings we eat citrus fruit with our breakfast, and I have found that the best way to clean and naturally deodorize my garbage disposal. I put the mornings grapefruit and orange peels down the disposal and in no time my whole kitchen smells like a citrus grove!  The thickness of the peels helps to clean off any debris left in the disposal either from the dishwasher or things that have been rinsed down the drain. I have never had a problem, but I do suggest cutting the peels into quarters so that they will easily fit down the disposal drain. fresh peels work best as the disposal has an easier time chopping them up, but ones that have set on the counter a while work well too.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

What a week

 It has definitely been a long week, and it is still only Thursday. I am very much a home body, cleaning crafting cooking or baking take up most of my days and I like it that way. But this week I feel as though I have not accomplished anything. I managed to bake a batch of bread for the week and some ginger cakes for lunches and other than that it has been run, run, run. The running wears me out more than a full days work.
Hubby has been on a new schedule this week also which has things abit discombobulated as well, Next week does not look like it will be any better. 3 doctors appointments and a trip to the orthodontists. It will be very much a case of deja vu. Oh well I guess it is good to be busy, but it does not help me get any of my housework done.

I did manage to finish a project over the weekend though. I of course forgot to take a before picture, but she was a very bright shade of blue. I think she looks much better now.

Not sure that I am happy with her accessories, but I still have some tweeking to do. Once she is all done and decked out I will post another picture. I will say that I think the hanging basket is my favorite and it definitely staying, some of the other things my find new homes, I will have to play around and see. Well I am off to see if I can get some much need housework done.


Monday, April 16, 2012

One of those days...

  We have all had one of those days that we wish we could start over, yes. Well mine began at midnight last night with a very sick doggie. Something eat ate for dinner 7 hours prior decided not agree with his tummy at midnight, on a night when we had to be up extra early. (Sidenote, he is quite fine this afternoon just a little sleepy like his momma.) So after several trips outside and attempts to clean up messes in the dark out came the carpet shampooer this morning. Just getting that thing up the stairs was a daunting enough task, then I had to run it.  Once the carpet was clean, I had to run out and pick up 3 things all at the same place sounded easy enough when I left the house this morning, but alas I got home to have found that in my lack of sleep state I forgot 1 of the 3 things that I needed. I blame it on the glorious smell of coffee and the wonderful delicious burst of energy the cup I bought gave me. I know I am not supposed to be drinking coffee, but this was an exception to the rule. No sleep and things that needed to get done required that I have that cup of coffee.

So now that the carpet is clean and drying the bread and ginger cakes have been baked and are cooling, I will pick up my daughter and take a much needed nap before dinner. Praying that tonight goes much better than last night!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Dining Room ever a work in Progress

    I am never quite happy with my dining room. I love all of my main furniture pies, I guess I get a little stuck on some of the accessories. Here are a few pictures of my dining room as it is today, I maybe making some minor changes of the next few weeks, just some tweaking here and there. Here is a shot of the whole dining room.

  My dining room furniture are some of my favorite furniture pieces, they all came from a wonderful little antique mall that my husband and I used to frequent when we lived in Georgia. We did not buy them all at the same time, but they fit together wonderful. The next pieces is I think my absolute favorite and the first piece that we bought.

    When I saw the stepback cupboard above it was the first time we had ever been to the little antique mall that we bought it from. It was recommended to me by one of the ladies that I worked with at the time and my husband and I fell in love with that little store. When ever we had a free day we would go do to the little shop and browse, usually coming home with a find somtimes big and sometimes just little finds. Back to the stepback, it was in one of the last booths that we looking in that day and I knew that it was coming home with us. My husband agreed that it would be perfect, we just had to figure out home to get it home. It currently holds some of my thrifty finds. A few pieces of red and blue transferware with some white dishes thrown in for contrast as well as my collection of ironstone pitchers on the top.

   The next piece was one of the last pieces that we bought before we moved. It was in the front window, and had been marked down by the seller. One of the ladies that worked in the little shop said that it had been there for a while, I was surprised as I had never seen it before, but they had just moved it to the window that morning. I guess it was just seeing it in the daylight that made it stand out to me. It is a pewter cupboard but I knew that it would be perfect to display my grandmothers family dishes on.

The last picture is a little corner of my dinning room that looked so empty so I took some of my thrifty finds and spruced it up. I am sure that it will change in the near future as I am looking for an old drysink or grain bin to put under the window, but for now this is how it looks.

Well that is my little dining room ever a work in progress. I will try and snap a few shots of the kitchen for a another post later in the week. Till then have a wonderful and blessed day.


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Decaf coffee is for the birds

        I am a recently new lover of coffee. I have only been drinking it for the last couple of years, and I can say that I look forward to my morning cup of coffee, but a few weeks ago my doctor recommended either going coffee free or switching to decaf coffee as it was making my irregular heartbeat that much more irregular.
       So I thought that I would go with decaf coffee, because I just did not think that I could completely give up the taste of my morning coffee. I know that I am not getting the caffeine benefits of regular coffee, but I had hoped that I would still get the same wonderful coffee taste. Well I have not yet got it figured out, because I end up with either very week tasting coffee or very bitter taste. I even use flavored creamer in my coffee and I can still not get the taste right.  I will keep trying to get the taste right, but if I can not work it out soon I may be forced to give up coffee all together. Well I am off to see how this morning cup of coffee will turn out, maybe I will get it just right this morning.
